
To help California reach its clean energy goals and make using electricity more affordable, utilities across the state are updating the way residential customers are billed for service.



5月9日, 2024, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) unanimously approved a change in how residential electric customers are billed. The new structure establishes a fixed charge for residential electric customers to help lower electricity rates, 提供更多的月度账单稳定性, 支持以更实惠的价格向清洁能源过渡. 

所有客户都已经支付了建设和维护电网的费用, 火灾的预防, and customer assistance programs through the price you pay for the electricity you use. This restructuring of billing moves some of these existing fixed costs into a separate line item on your electric bill. 这是 不 这是额外的费用,而是你账单结构的改变.   

这种新的收费结构是根据州法律制定的 (立法会第205号条例草案) 这需要CPUC采用固定收费. 欲知详情,请浏览 CPUC的网站.  




固定收费适用于所有住宅客户. 默认收费是24美元.每月15美元,不需要新的收入核查程序. 然而, if customers are currently enrolled in the CARE (California Alternate 利率 for Energy) or FERA (Family 电 Rate Assistance) programs, 或者如果他们住在经济适用房, 根据他们的注册状态,他们可能有资格获得折扣.  

客户将继续支付配送和发电费用, 每个月根据你使用的量和时间而变化. 在这种新的收费结构下 每千瓦时成本 会比现在的价格低吗.  



收入合格折扣 收入合格折扣




FERA enrolled customers or customers who live in affordable housing restricted to residents with incomes below 80% of Area Median Income   



As per CARE and FERA program rules, customers may be asked to verify their household income. 


Changing how residential bills are calculated does 不 result in the collection of more money from customers overall, 和西班牙&E并没有因此获得更多的利润. 比如cell, 水, 有线电视服务提供商已经在他们的客户账单中包含了固定费用.


Changing residential bills will help Californians move towards the state’s clean energy goals by encouraging the electrification of homes and vehicles. 访问我们的 主页电气化页面 有关电气化的更多信息. 其他福利包括: 

  1. 提高透明度. Separating certain utility fixed costs from electricity usage rates and clearly showing those different line items on monthly bills will add transparency and predictability.   
  2. 支持的支付能力新的帐单结构是为了减少低收入家庭的帐单. Customers who currently receive bill discounts under the CARE and FERA program will continue to receive them along with a discounted fixed charge. 
  3. 降低电费. 有一定的固定成本从电费中分离出来, 客户支付的每单位电的成本(分/千瓦时)降低了. 降低每单位电力的成本使人们更能负担得起使用它.  
  4. 推广清洁能源较低的用电量促使人们转向以电力为基础的解决方案, 比如电动汽车或全电动电器. 这一转变有助于到2045年实现100%清洁能源和无碳未来, 这是国家规定的.   


虽然这对加州的客户(以及为他们服务的公用事业公司)来说是一个变化,, 可持续发展目标中安全可靠的电力服务不会改变&E. 还有一些其他项目没有改变,包括:   

  • 护理和FERA折扣 - Customers enrolled in CARE and FERA programs will continue to receive their monthly discount.  
  • 社区选择聚合器 -如果您是CCA客户, you will continue to receive your electricity from Clean Energy Alliance (CEA) or San Diego 社区 Power (SDCP). 固定收费只影响可持续发展目标&E portion of your bill, which is related to grid operation, maintenance, and customer service. Third-party electricity providers will continue to determine your electric generation charges.  
  • 按使用时段 虽然新的计费结构将提供更多的可预测性, 客户仍然可以控制自己的能源使用. 在下午4点以外的时间转移家务和使用主要的电子产品.m. 到晚上9点.m. 降低千瓦时使用量和维持电网可靠性仍然很重要吗.  进一步了解我们的 按使用时段计划
  • 医疗基线客户 - Customers enrolled in Medical Baseline will continue to receive their additional energy allowances.  
  • 〇付款计划 付款安排不会受到影响.
  • 天然气费用 -电力平衡计分卡不会改变你的燃气账单的收费方式. 
  • 商业和农业帐户 The changes in how electric bills are restructured only applies to residential customers.  


2022年6月,加州通过了一项法律(第205号议会条例草案) requiring the CPUC to change how electric bills are structured for residential customers, 纽森州长将其签署为法律.  

很多声音, 包括消费者权益倡导者, 政策制定者, 学术研究人员, 还有环保组织, have called for rate reform to make electricity more affordable and to support California’s clean energy transition. 根据州气候政策, our lives – including the cars we drive and the homes and offices we work in – will be increasingly powered by electricity, 而不是化石燃料. 


所有客户都被分配了默认的固定费用, 除非他们参加了某个账单折扣项目, 加州能源替代费率(CARE)或家庭电价援助(FERA), 或者他们是否住在符合条件的经济适用房.  


折扣的固定费用是基于目前在CARE或FERA的注册情况. If you are no longer enrolled in either of these programs, you will be assigned the default charge. 

Income qualifying customers who currently receive bill discounts under the CARE and FERA programs will continue to receive them, 与没有注册的客户相比,固定费用也更低.   

Enrollment in CARE or FERA is based on household income or participation in certain public assistance programs. 欲了解更多信息,请访问网站.com/assistance.  



是的. 账单的一部分仍然是根据客户的用电量来计算的, 以及“使用时间”客户, 当你使用能量时. Customers on 按使用时段 pricing plans still have more choice and control over their electricity bill by shifting when they use energy outside the hours of 4 p.m. 到晚上9点.m.  

住宅 customer electric pricing plans will include the fixed charge once implemented in the fourth quarter of 2025.  收费的变化不适用于天然气服务. 

固定收费的总体影响将因个人家庭收入而异, 能源消耗水平, 以及使用模式. 而大多数顾客将支付24美元.每月固定收费15英镑,他们的电费将会减少. 随着家庭电气化, 视使用情况而定, 家庭能源(汽油)的总成本, 天然气和电力)可以减少. 


固定收费适用于所有住宅客户,包括太阳能客户. 太阳能 customers will continue to save and pay lower bills than if they did 不 have solar. 太阳能 customers will continue to be compensated for electricity they export back to the grid, but the fixed charge ensures all customers pay a fair amount for expenses related to fixed costs that all customers benefit from, 如电网的维护和保养.  

固定收费包括为客户提供服务所需的部分固定成本, 包括与维护和现代化电网有关的某些成本, as well as supporting public purpose programs like energy efficiency and customer assistance programs.  

 No. 公用事业公司不会从固定收费中获得额外利润. 

The fixed charge model in California supports electrification efforts by helping to make it more affordable to adopt electric technologies and supports the broader shift towards a cleaner and more sustainable energy future that is less dependent on fossil fuels.  

Moving some of the fixed costs needed to serve customers out of the price per kWh into a fixed charge means the price of electricity can be lower compared to today. Lowering the overall cost of electricity can make adopting electric appliances and electric vehicles more attractive. EVs contribute to the overall electrification goals by reducing dependence on traditional internal combustion engine vehicles, 哪些对碳排放有重大贡献.